creative & media insurance

Your cover

A quick look

Our creative and media insurance covers many different types of business in the fashion, media and arts industry, from freelance theatre professionals right through to large publishers & production companies of any size. As brokers we always make sure that your insurance is tailored to you, taking the time to understand the needs of your business and the different risks you may face.

With professional indemnity & media liability being so important, we can also add this cover into a full package policy – covering your equipment, goods entrusted to you and office contents. At BNF Insurance we are also happy to arrange a visit to you or your business premises, if required, in order to discuss your policy needs in full.

Let us call you - it’s the unusual or unfamiliar that we specialise in

We'd love to give you a call and help you get the best insurance for your own business or personal needs, please complete the form below to let us know when it would be convenient.

Alternatively you can phone our office for free, our telephone number is 0808 178 3155.

*All quotations are free, personalised and with no obligation.

you may need to consider

other cover

commercial combined insurance

commercial property insurance

fleet insurance

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