insurance for creatives

Your sector

As brokers, our business is making sure that your insurance is tailored to you. We take the time to understand the needs of your business and the different risks you may face. Our creative sector covers many different types of businesses in categories such as fashion, media, arts, antiquities, etc. Spanning anything from independent professionals right through to large companies of any size. With the emphasis on Professional Indemnity Insurance being so important, we can also add this cover into your full package policy covering your equipment, materials, office contents and goods entrusted to you. We are also happy to arrange a visit to you or your business premises if required in order to discuss your policy needs in full. We work for you, not the insurer.

the insurances

covering you for

Art & Antique Dealers’ Insurance

As a broker we always make sure that your policy is as unique & suited to you, as the exhibits…

Creative & Media Insurance

Our creative and media insurance covers many different types of business in the fashion…

Fashion Insurance

We continue to provide competitive fashion insurance for related businesses throughout…

Museums & Restorers’ Insurance

As a broker we are able to arrange bespoke cover for both museums and restorers, always…

Sculptors & Artists’ Insurance

At BNF Insurance we tailor the full policy around exactly what you need as an artist, crafter…

Stylists’ Insurance

If you are a stylist involved in any clothing, make up or hair business within a fashion and…

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